How To Merge Collectibles and Gems From Multiple VeVe Accounts Into One Username

2 min read


There’s a new feature coming that a lot of people have been asking for. Soon users will be able to merge everthing into one account.

This will soon be available through the merge accounts feature, and users will be able to consolidate a maximum of 4 accounts into their main username (5 total). Stay tuned to VeVe socials for news on when this feature is available.

Merging accounts is a web-app-only feature, and using it, a non-KYC’d account can merge with an account that has completed the KYC process, provided the account is either your personal account (or if you are the parent or legal guardian of a child with an account under the VeVe minimum age, that child’s account) .

This feature will permanently transfer all of the collectibles, comics, showrooms, and gems from the non-KYC’d account to the main, KYC’d account. MCP points will not be merged.

When merging accounts, you will first need to log into the account you wish to transfer from. This account will be deactivated once the merging process is complete, and during the request process, you will be able to nominate the account you are transferring your inventory to.

The account you are merging from must:

  • Be in good standing (not disabled, not a bot-created account, etc.)
  • Not be KYC’d

When the merge accounts feature is available, the process will be as follows

  1. From the account you wish to merge into your main account, log in to the VeVe Web app. You can do this using the same credentials you use to log into the mobile app, and will need to enter the 2FA code sent to your registered email account
  2. Open the settings menu (top right) and select the ‘Merge Accounts’ option
  3. Read the information provided, and select ‘begin’ when you are ready to proceed
  4. Enter the email address of the nominated KYC’d account (the one you’re transferring all of your assets to) and click submit
  5. You will be required to enter 2FA codes from the requesting account and the nominated account.
  6. You will then be able to view the total number of collectibles, comics, gems, and showrooms that will be transferred to the nominated account if you proceed
  7. If you wish to proceed with the transfer and merge, click ‘next’ and you will be prompted to enter 2FA codes again from your registered account email, and pass facial 2FA, before the process will be initiated.
  8. After passing the 2FA, you will see the success screen, which has additional information about the next steps and expectations.

Note: The account merge will take place 48 hours after the request has been initiated, and you will receive an email to both the nominated KYC’d account and the account you are merging, with details of the request. This email also contains a cancellation link, and you will have up to 48 hours to cancel the merge request. After this time, the merge CANNOT be canceled.

Via this site.

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